Ask SMaRT Analytics™ Anything.

In as little as 45 days, Sixth Sense’s proprietary SMaRT Analytics™ platform delivers immediate ROI with unparalleled insight into thousands of questions all healthcare executives are asking.

Why is the case mix index shifting? Is it attributed to documentation or diagnosis?

Your CMI Dashboard does the work for you!

Case Mix Index

Which service line generates the highest ROI?

Your Profitability Dashboard does the work for you!

Healthcare Profitability Analytics

How has my payor mix changed by department, procedure code, etc. over time?

Your Revenue Trending does the work for you!

Hospital Revenue Trends Analytics Reports

What is the physician treatment utilization variation by diagnosis?

Your Physician Variation Dashboard does the work for you!

How is revenue projected to finish for the month and YTD?

Your Daily Revenue Dashboard does the work for you!

Hospital Daily Revenue Analytics Reports

Your Observation Rate Dashboard does the work for you!


How much of my revenue change is attributed to price vs. volume?

Your Revenue Impact Dashboard does the work for you!

Hospital Revenue Impact Analytics Report

What is my blended profitability by provider for hospital and professional billing?

Your Hospitals and Clinics Dashboard does the work for you!